Mentor Information

Thank you very much for agreeing to work with our students.  Many of our graduates have referred to this project as one of the most important experiences they have at Stratford.  We appreciate your being a part of that!

Though successfully completing this project is a requirement for graduation, most students don’t see it as “just one more thing to be done before I get out of here.”  We want to make sure this is a great experience for both you and the student you’ve agreed to mentor, so please let us know if you have any questions or concerns during the project.  The students know we have very high expectations for them; they should be dressed appropriately and behave courteously at all times.

They will also need you to verify the work on their blogs.  We are asking mentors to comment on one entry a week.  It can be as simple as “Nice job!” or “You’re making progress” – something that lets us and the students know you are checking on their work.

If you would like to contact us, the best option is to reach us through email at or  In case you need it, our fax number is 478-477-0299.

Mentor Quick Facts

Dates of Stratford’s Senior Project: April 24 – May 12.

Hours students must spend on the project: 98 total, BUT students won’t necessarily spend all that time with you.  They can also count time for sports, AP classes, study hours, and travel time to and from school.  

What can students do?  Follow you through your day and observe you; work with a colleague to observe other parts of your profession; do research on their own; take on a project; work with clients; watch videos or read important material; create a product – pretty much anything that helps them achieve the goals you set in March.  

Students cannot be paid for the work they do for you.  If they have worked with you in the past, they must experience a different aspect of your job then they have previously.

Additionally, if students have worked with you in the past, those hours cannot count towards their Senior Project hours.  Only the hours earned between April 24 – May 12 may count, since the project is taking the place of regular school time.

PLEASE let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  We appreciate your willingness to work with our students!