Athletic Forms and Eligibility

Athletic Physical Forms

All student-athletes must have an updated physical on file prior to the first day of practice for any sport. A pre-scheduled date in the month of May each year is the only time physicals are administered by the school at no charge. If you are unable to make this date, the scheduling and cost of a physical will be the family's responsibility. All athletic forms can be found on your My Stratford portal.

Academic Eligibility at Stratford - Upper School

(These eligibility rules meet or exceed the requirements established by GHSA)

To be eligible to participate, practice, and/or try out in interscholastic activities, a student must be academically eligible. A student is required to pass classes that carry at least 2.5 units counting toward graduation the semester immediately preceding participation.

Exception 1: First semester ninth grade students

Exception 2: A cheerleader who is academically ineligible for the spring semester may try out if she is passing ALL classes at the time of the tryout. The window of opportunity to try out under these conditions is available only during the ten (10) days that the school sets aside for tryouts.

(a) Passing is a grade of C- or higher

(b) Students participating in junior varsity of “B” team competition must meet all scholastic requirements

(c) If an eligible student transfers from a school that uses a block-schedule format to a school using a traditional format (or vice versa) and that student cannot get a full schedule of classes with equivalent credit in the semester of the transfer, the school may petition the Executive Director of the GHSA for a waiver of this rule for the first semester after the transfer occurs.

(d) For schools offering courses with yearlong grading, eligibility must be computed for each semester

  1. a. At the end of the first semester, students must be passing 2.5 units
  2. b. The second semester grade will be the grade given for the entire course.

Students gain or lose eligibility on the first day of the subsequent semester. The first day of the fall semester shall be interpreted as the first date of practice for the first sport.

Exception: Students who successfully complete summer school to maintain eligibility become eligible the last day of summer school. Summer school is a review of the skills to be mastered in a given course: a new course is taken that results in a new credit being earned. Summer school grades are not included in the GPA.

(a) A maximum of two (2) credits earned in summer school may be counted for eligibility purposes.

(b) Summer school credits earned in non-accredited home study programs or non-accredited private schools may not be used to gain eligibility. Accreditation recognized under the rule shall be from the Georgia Accrediting Commission (GAC) or a regional accreditation agency (such as SACS) or the Georgia Private School Accreditation Council (GAPSAC).

(c) An independent study course taken in summer school must be regionally accredited and accepted by the school system for graduation credit.

Courses completed after the beginning of a new semester may not be used to gain eligibility for that semester. Example: night school classes, correspondence courses, etc.

Students must accumulate units toward graduation according to the following criteria:

(a) First-year students (entering 9th grade) are eligible academically. Second semester first year students must have passed courses carrying at least 2.5 units the previous semester in order to participate.

(b) Second-year students must have accumulated five (5) total units in the first year, AND passed courses carrying at least 2.5 units in the previous semester.

(c) Third-year students must have accumulated eleven (11) units in the first and second years AND passed courses carrying at least 2.5 units in the previous semester

(d) Fourth-year students must have accumulated seventeen (17) units in the first three years, AND passed courses carrying at least 2.5 units in the previous semester.

(e) Students may accumulate the required units for participation during the school year and eligibility will be reinstated at the beginning of the next semester.