Stratford Academy Graphic Standards


This guide to Stratford Academy’s Graphic Standards has been developed and formally approved by the Office of the Head of School. The guidelines are to be applied to all uses of the Straford marks, whether for advertising, signage, stationery, uniforms, vehicles, web content or the countless other items that carry the Stratford brand to the world.

Stratford Academy marks — the School seal, word mark and athletic logo — should represent the School as a non-sectarian, college preparatory, independent school that seeks to achieve excellence and scholarly discipline.

Consistency in the way these icons are presented is important for a thriving institution that is growing in both quality and stature. A strong and consistent visual identity helps shape the way key constituents view Stratford, both now and in the future.

Graphic Standard Elements
The Graphic Standards Program encompasses the School’s emblems and logos including:

• The School seal

• The Stratford Academy word mark

• The Stratford athletic logo

• The Excellence Never Rests® slogan

These marks may not be altered or changed in any way. These marks may not be incorporated into or combined with any other mark, symbol or graphic to create a new mark. Each mark must stand alone with sufficient space around the mark to clearly show that it is an individual mark.

The Stratford Academy Seal
This is Stratford’s official identifying mark. Only the Stratford Academy Board of Trustees and the Office of the Head of School may authorize its use.

Documents displaying the School seal convey that they are officially sanctioned by the Trustees or Office of the Head of School. As the official indicia of the School, the School seal may not be altered in any way. It is available for approved usage through the Office of Institutional Advancement.

It is not to be used on departmental stationery, interior signage or advertising except as authorized by the Board of Trustees or the Office of the Head of School. The School seal may not be used on vehicles.

Exceptions to use of the seal include jewelry, high-end commemorative gift items, and official academic or School related materials such as certificates, diplomas and select graduation-related items, including announcements and diploma frames. Exceptions must be approved through the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Administrative and Academic Guidelines
The School’s word mark is for administrative and academic use — i.e., administrative personnel and departments, faculty and academic departments, and designated organizations that are affiliated with the School. If you are uncertain about whether your department or organization is administrative or academic, follow this guiding principle: If it is for athletic or student organization purposes, use the athletic logo. Otherwise, you should use the School word mark.

Administrative and academic units may not use the athletic logo in place of the School word mark. However, graphics that represent individual administrative or academic departments, offices or programs may be used in combination with the word mark — with the exception of the School seal, as described above.

While the School word mark may be sized appropriately for the specific use, the proportions of its individual elements must not be altered. It is preferred that the mark be displayed in either black and white, or designated official colors — Stratford blue, gold or silver — but this is not required.

It must be reproduced from the official artwork available through the Office of Institutional Advancement. For silkscreen, embroidery, specialty items and related uses, contact the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Excellence Never Rests®
The Excellence Never Rests® slogan was developed in 2006 in conjunction with the Stratford capital campaign of the same name. It represents the idea that to be one of the premier independent schools in the state that Stratford Academy must always look ahead to the challenges of the future. As an education leader, Stratford must never “rest on its laurels,” but be in a state of constant forward motion in order to achieve the standard and tradition of excellence that is expected.

The slogan is registered — 3985777, 6/28/11 — and is used by the School for fundraising, strategic planning and educational purposes. Use must be approved by the Stratford Office of Advancement.

Athletic Department Guidelines
The Stratford Academy Athletic Logo is for use by the School’s Athletics Department and School sanctioned sports, spirit and student organizations.

While the Athletic Logo may be sized appropriately for the specific use, the proportions of the individual elements must not be altered. It must be displayed in designated official colors — either black and white or Stratford blue, gold or silver. The logo is registered — 3634903, 6/9/09 — and must be reproduced from the official artwork available through the Office of Institutional Advancement.

For more information about Stratford graphics, contact Kathleen Medlin at

Graphic Standards Page

Download a copy of Stratford's logo graphic standards here. Stratford logos are copyrighted and all use must be approved by the Office of Advancement. Please contact for more information.

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